Monday 30 March 2015



Finally something to do with Hastings.  A quiet hour or so allowed me to finish another four of the Gripping Beast Plastic Saxons.  All were block painted, magic washed and then highlighted.  I just need to order some Little Big Men transfers to finish the shields.

You may ask why I have only photographed three of them.  To be honest, I'm not sure what has happened to the last one, they were all together on my desk but when I came to base them only three were there.  Clearly a sign of advancing age although I should check the dog bed, I once found several bases of Mahdist infantry in there which had to be consigned to the bin.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Too Fat Lardies' Sale

Too Fat Lardies' Sale

Just a quick note to say that Too Fat Lardies are having a 20% off sale for a very brief period.  I've taken the opportunity to purchase their At the Sharp End supplement for Chain of Command which is required for Kampfgruppe Von Luck and the other Pint Sized Campaigns.

On a related note, I've been painting some 15mm Peter Pig Germans which will feature in a future post.  Hopefully the first game in the campaign will follow shortly.