Tuesday 25 August 2015

Harold's Army

To go along with William's Army, the starter army of their Saxon opponents is also complete.  This is based on the lists provided on the Impetus website.  The core of the army is a Gripping Beast box of Saxons, I'm aware that they are really equipped for a slightly earlier period but they will suffice for now.  If I get round to painting more figures then they can be moved "down" to the Fyrd or Great Fyrd.

First are the Huscarls, two units of eight figures.

Next is the Fyrd, three units of eight figures each.

The Great Fyrd, two units of eight figures, and arches, one unit of four figures.  To my understanding, there is very little evidence of many archers being present at Hastings

Finally, a shot of the completed army.

Figures are mostly Gripping Beast, a combination of metals and plastics, and Black Tree with transfers from Veni Vidi Vici and Little Big Men.

I've also had the chance to have a quick run through of the rules and am reasonably confident they should provide an enjoyable game.  More in a future post.

I've heard good things about the Lion Rampant skirmish rules and have finally got around to ordering a copy although there appears to be a slight issue with the supplier.  I'm hoping the current forces should provide the basis for two retinues with the addition of some additional archers.  There's also the promised Terra Mundi supplement from Too Fat Lardies for Normans in Sicily although whether or not this will ever see the light of day is debateable.

Phase One of the project is complete at least.

William's Army

Sorry, for the long break, the Summer Holidays always seem to take more time that expected.  I've managed to get some painting done and I've finally the starter armies for my Basic Impetus Hastings Project.

The Norman army is based on a list found on the forum to slightly more accurately reflect the difficulties William must have experienced travelling bringing horses to England as part of the invasion.  The infantry component is therefore stronger than the list for William in Normandy.

First, the most iconic part of any Norman army, the Milites.  Three units of three horsemen, miniatures are by Conquest Games.  

Next the infantry, four units of eight figures each.  A combination of Crusader and Black Tree Design.

Finally the archers, vital for Hastings.  Figures are by Black Tree.

A shot of the completed army for today's trial game, more of which in a future post.

Finally, shield transfers are by Veni Vidi Vici and Little Big Men, I think they really help to provide character to my otherwise mediocre painting.  I have more figures on the paint bench to expand the cavalry arm further and will eventually get around to sorting out appropriate flags and banners.