Saturday 2 January 2016

2015 In Review

The traditional end of year review.  I have to say I'm pleased that this one is over, it's not been the best on a number of levels but thankfully they're mostly outside the scope of this blog.

The main aims for this year were threefold:

1.  Normans and Saxons for Basic Impetus.  This one was completed and even extended with the purchase of Lion Rampant and I've now started painting up a further generic medieval retinue.

2.  Napoleonics.  I managed a couple of units earlier in the year but there has been little progress.

3.  Nineteenth Century Europe.  Another slow one, I painted a few units of Danes but then moved on.

Other units painted are a bit of a mix including ECW infantry and artillery, Japanese and British for Burma, Mahdist cavalry for the Sudan and some Napoleonic naval units.  The past few months have seen a real slowdown in painting, however, I have been busy with scenery in a variety of scales.

I don't currently have any plans for new projects this year and the intention is to consolidate, particularly 28mm Zulu War in anticipation of the release of Sharp Practice II but also Matakishi's Horns of the Bull rules.  I've also ordered some more Napoleonics from Campaign Games Miniatures and will continue to work through the existing pile together with additional scenery.  No doubt something new will crop up before too long.

Gamewise, I've managed three games of Chain of Command, one of Neil Thomas' Napoleonic rules, one Basic Impetus, one Bag the Hun and one of Lion Rampant.  This is a major improvement over previous years and the aim for this year is to play one per month.   I'll also try and document them here.

Outside of wargaming, the trip to Ypres was a great success.  I've posted the pictures of Waterloo bit not the Salient, I must get around to that.  Progress with this year's trip is somewhat slow and there is no agreement as to the destination, Normandy, Verdun and Arras have all been suggested.  At least a date in early May has been provisionally agreed.

All in, not too bad.  Hopefully the focus on actually playing games will inspire me to keep on track a bit more.  We shall see.  Happy wargaming for 2016.