Monday 20 June 2016

2mm Madness - Naseby

I can't believe how long it is since I last posted, life does get in the way sometimes.  I've still been painting, mainly 28mm Napoleonics for Sharp Practice 2 with a slight diversion into the French and Indian Wars. I've even managed to play a couple of games which I'll get round to posing later.

 I do love the Napoleonic period, however, I'll freely admit that I find the painting a bit of a chore, particularly in 28mm.  This has led to a slight diversion into a completely new scale for another favourite period, the English Civil War.  I've already begun armies in 28mm and 15mm but, inspired by Roundwood's World Blog among others, I've ventured into 2mm supplied by Irregular Miniatures with the aim of recreating a copy of the Streater engraving of the Battle of Naseby.

A small sample order has provided enough pike blocks for the infantry of both sides and some of the cavalry.  I'm still undecided how to represent the cavalry, I've purchased enough blocks to cover approximately half the represented units but I understand that some of these, particularly on the Royalist side, were tiny and brigaded together.  I also need to purchase some commanders, artillery, Okey's dragoons and the commanded shot but that can wait for another day.

I've made a start on the New Model Army and am pleasantly surprised by the results.  I've gone more for impression rather than detail but from a distance they seem to work.

I'm veering towards using a variant of Neil Thomas rules and will probably expand the playing area although I imagine it doesn't need to be much larger than 2 x 2 feet at this stage.