Tuesday 20 January 2015



Hello and welcome to my wargaming blog.  Originally this was intended to follow the build up of armies to refight the Battle of Hastings, however, the butterfly mentality took over and a variety of projects have intervened.  In an attempt to motivate myself I also intend to document the other periods and rulesets that take my fancy.

The aim is now to complete both Norman and Saxon armies in time for the 950th anniversary in 2016, there is a chance even I may be able to achieve this but don't hold your breath.  The majority of the figures have been purchased, Gripping Beast Saxons, Conquest Normans and Black Tree Design to fill the gaps.  Some have even been painted and based for Basic Impetus rules.

Other current projects include 15mm Napoleonics using the Le Feu Sacre rules from Too Fat Lardies.  This project has also been ongoing for several years and I have small Peninsular British and French armies together with a couple of Spanish and Portugese units from a variety of manufacturers.

A futher new project for this year is based on Neil Thomas' book, Wargaming Ninteenth Century Europe.  I intend to follow the scenarios based on the Unification of Germany and have purchased some 10mm Pendraken figures starting with the Battle of Oeversee between the Danes and Austrians and eventually to feature Prussians and French.  This one is likely to be a slow burner though.   

No doubt other interests will take over and other periods feature during the following months.  Such at least is the aim at this point.

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