Tuesday 21 April 2015

Norman Milites and Saxon Infantry

Painting has been proceeding at its usual leisurely pace but the Hastings project is now coming along nicely.  I've finished nine Conquest Games Norman Milites, the strike force of William's army.  I'm not really a fan of painting cavalry, particularly in 28mm which is why efforts to paint an army for the English Civil War have ground to a halt, but these were relatively straightforward.  I experimented with an alternative style for painting chainmail, silver with a black wash, which made life easier.

I'm waiting on an order from Warbases to complete them and I need to decide how to approach the shields.  The Bayeux Tapestry shows a limited range of different designs but I've been taken with the Little Big Men transfers for my Saxons, see below.  Unfortunately, they don't appear to make any for the Conquest miniatures, I could use generic ones or possibly Veni Vidi Vici unless anybody has any sugestions?

A casualty figure is included in the box which will make a useful marker when I get around to basing it.

I've also applied the transfers to the Gripping Beast plastic Saxons which, I think, really enhances the figures especially given my efforts at painting.  Commander and standard bearer, I'm not sure whether to purchase a special Harold figure but he will suffice for now.

Two units on Warbases movement trays for Basic Impetus.

I've nearly finished painting some more infantry and archers for both sides.  I've misplaced yet another figure, this time a Norman archer from Black Tree.  Whether it was missing from the order or whether it's my fault I'm not sure but tend towards the latter.  Thankfully, Impetus does not prescribe numbers of figures so I should be able to get away with it in the short term.

By my calculations, I'm not two thirds of the way through the painting.  Let's hope the motivation holds but I'm off to Ypres and, hopefully, Waterloo at the weekend so I can see myself becoming sidetracked.  At least Napoleonics is one of my main projects for this year. 

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