Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Somme Part I

As mentioned in my last post, I'm off to Ypres this weekend with some friends for a short tour of the battlefields, hopefully to include Waterloo.  This follows the success of last year's trip to the Somme as part of my research to my great grandfather's involvement in the First World War.  He served in the Royal Garrison Artillery and was killed in October 1918.

First stop was to visit his grave in Rosiel, just outside Peronne.

Next day we visited Albert for supplies and a look around the 1916 Museum before heading to Lochnagar Crater where a huge mine was detonated on 1st July 1916.

Next was the Red Dragon memorial to the 38th (Welsh) Division after their attack on Mametz Wood.

We then headed to Pozieres for the Australian Monument and the Gibraltar blockhouse.

We adjourned for a late lunch in the Tommy Cafe, Pozieres before heading back to base to contemplate the day and plan for the morrow.  One lesson I definitely learnt was that far more preparation would be required to gain a more thorough understanding of events and we felt we'd barely scratched the surface.  It is truly humbling to come across a tiny cemetery or memorial and almost every crossroad and to see how well they are looked after by both the CWGC and the locals.

Part II to follow.

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