Tuesday 17 February 2015

First Unit of the Year

First Unit of the Year

Finally, something wargame related to post about.  The first completed unit of the year is some British infantry for the Peninsular.  I'd never consider myself to be a good painter but feel I can achieve a reasonable "wargames standard", particularly if you apply the three foot rule.  Apologies for the quality of the photos, I really must learn how to use my camera properly.

Figures are Xan Miniatures available from Empress in the UK.  For my purposes they compare very favourably with AB Miniatures which make up the majority of my collection with the advantage that they are considerably cheaper.

I've used the generic flags freely available from Napflag resized for 15mm.

Only one more unit before I can refight Barrosa.

I've also been working on some terrain for Chain of Command which will feature in a future post.

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