Tuesday 3 February 2015

Kampfgruppe von Luck

Kampfgruppe von Luck

Too Fat Lardies have just released a further "pint sized supplement" for their Chain of Command rules, Kampfgruppe von Luck, based on the actions between 12 Para and 21 Panzer on D-Day.  For a mere £3.60 this was too much of a bargain to leave.

We visited the area on holiday a few years ago and, as well as visiting Bayeux to see the Tapestry, I was able to have a quick look around the Pegasus Bridge museum.  The original bridge has been replaced and now stands by the side of the canal.

Rupert, you have to wonder how effective these actually were.

Horsa glider.

A quick look through the figures I have available shows that I at least need some additional paras with stens and brens to suit the OOB together with some MG42s and panzerschreck teams for the Germans so a quick Peter Pig may be in order.  I have some German HMGs to paint and these have been moved up the queue.  QRF make some of the 21 Panzer specials but, in the interests of economy, I will attempt to resist these and substitute the vehicles I have available.

I had, foolishly, promised no new projects this year, however, surely this is just finishing one already started, at least, that's what I'm telling myself.

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