Monday 15 June 2015

One-Hour Wargames

I've had this sitting on the shelf for a while and only just got around to reading through it.  The book contains nine rule sets for most of the major periods from Ancient to WWII which are designed to be played on a small table in around an hour.

The rules themselves are necessarily simplistic, consisting of only two or three pages each but should give a quick game on a three foot square table.  This is something I find increasingly important as the amount of time to set up a larger table can be considerable.  Troop types are limited to four per period, for example there are no dragoons or artillery in the Pike and Shot era and some alterations may be required for English Civil War games.

Of potentially more interest are the 30 scenarios which can obviously be used with any rule set and again save time when looking for a quick game.

All in it looks like a very useful little book very much in the style of Donald Featherstone et al and I look forward to trying them out in the not too distant future.

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