Monday 8 June 2015

Bag The Hun

An unexpected hour or so of free time today allowed me to get in a quick couple of games of Bag the Hun, Too Fat Lardies WWII air combat game.  

I've not played this for a while and decided to start with a basic scenario pitting two Spitfires against Bf109s.  The Spitfires soon managed to get on the tail of the 109s.

 Some terrible flying, dice throwing, meant the 109s failed their evasive maneuver allowing the Spit leader to put in a long burst and the lead 109 exploded.

A lucky run of cards then allowed the Spits to circle round and get on the tail of the second 109 who again failed to evade the result that a second long burst sent it down with a dead pilot.

The Spits headed home.

With a few minutes left until it was time to leave for the school run, I thought I'd try the Bag the Doodlebug mini game.  I was slightly annoyed to find that both my Raiden Typhoons had managed to lose their magnets but not to worry as Mustangs were available.  In the first game, the chasing plane managed to get in a quick shot at the Doodlebug but missed.

The pilot then attempted to tip it over but again was unsuccessful and the bug headed on towards London.

The chasing plane failed to get anywhere near the bugs in the next two games and it was time to pack up.

I'd forgotten how much fun these rules are and the beauty of them allows for some very quick games.  I'm looking forward to having another go soon and may even get round to digging out the WWI version, Algy.

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