Thursday 18 June 2015

Waterloo - Belgium Trip

Today being the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo and I thought I'd take the opportunity of posting some of the photos from our trip to Belgium in April.  The original aim of the trip, following our visit to the Somme last year, was to take in as many of the sites around Ypres as possible, however, the lure of Waterloo was too great and, after much discussion, we decided to include it.  This was actually Day 2 but let's not let chronological order get in the way.

The weather was not the best with a, virtually constant, drizzle so unfortunately many of my landscape photos aren't really that good.  The fact that I'd only remembered to pack the compact is neither here nor there.

Lion Mound, it's certainly a trek up there, shame about the weather.

Hougoumont - still undergoing restoration, it looks a lot better in the news broadcasts.

La Belle Alliance

Hulot Memorial

La Haie Sainte 

Durutte Division Memorial

Hanoverian Memorial

Inniskilling Memorial

Picton Memorial

A very interesting experience, it's always helpful to walk across the actual field as it provides an additional perspective that is not always obvious from reading the books.  The ridge lined by Wellington's troops is clearly visible as you walk across to La Belle Alliance and the field itself is very confined.  Frightening to think of the number of men killed or wounded in such a small space.

Sadly, it has not, as yet, provided a spur to get on with painting any more Napoleonics although I'm tempted to try a small game next time the opportunity arises.

I'll get around to posting the remaining photos from the trip in the, hopefully not too distant future.  Plans for Normandy next year are already being made.

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